Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Healing and Therapy

I am not a therapist. I am a healer through holistic and intuitive paths.  Healing through the 5 senses, and 5 earth elements, is something I am passionate about.  I am not a witch, psychic or hippy.  I am a girl who has always felt an intense connection with the earth, universe and the unique nature of spiritual construction.  I don't see aura's or dead people, however, I occasionally see the spiritual construction of others. I've also seen the spiritual construction of trees and other natural elements. I believed, for many years, it was my imagination running's not. That sight is a gift I'm sure I was born with. I believe in a Father in Heaven who loves each of us so uniquely and individually and  so He made us, you and I, to be such.  I am often heard comparing a human being to a thumbprint, we are that different in our spiritual construction. So, I credit all my abilities to something much bigger than me.

Therapy is amazing. If you seek it then pay for it. It's a knowledge that is specific and acquired from much learning. Therapists are treasures and I wish I was one.  If I could visit my 17 year old self, I'd say, "Lisa, Political Science isn't your thing.  Unfortunately, dance isn't going to last either.  Please try Neuroscience, Psychology or even Social Studies. That's what's underneath, trust me!" But, how often do we know exactly what we want to do, be or study when we are 17?? So, I dig in now at the age of 50.  (Also, a Life Coach is not a certified therapist.  I love them, I am one, they're definitely not the same.)

I promised this blog would be about sharing happiness, so bear with me...

I know that sitting in the grass, on a summer day, listening to the birds chirp and hearing the wind blow through the trees is more of a healer than most medication.  Gazing upon a giraffe walking with its babies in its natural habitat stimulates complete awareness.  Hearing 171.1 hertz frequency will calm and restore a broken heart.  The color yellow helps excite the brain and body with happiness and joy. Foresting is a technique used to help people find stability and grounding when life is unbearable. Synchronicity of breath to ocean waves helps calm a person enough to avoid "flight" when provoked into fight or flight mode.

This is all happy information because the world today is off the rails crazy and flooded with medications to make one numb, who wants that? We all want a happier way.  If we can see that there is a more tender approach to healing our mental may change everything. I have a certain testimony of this because it worked, and is still working, for me. It's not magic, it takes work. It's not immediate and requires patience. The sureness of calm one feels during the process is so very satisfying.

My wish is that all beings, human and other, would have access to this kind of healing. It's a game changer. We need a little change. That's why this is the happiest message of all!


Lisa :]

Monday, April 22, 2019

Start Where You Are

"Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can."  Arthur Ashe

Staring right now, with all that I have and all that I can, I am determined to help YOU.  Together we can find a better way, seek new joy and move forward with compassion. This is where we start!  I am in this for YOU.  We will wait no longer for a better time or a more perfect situation.  Let's begin now.

What do I have to offer you?  My heart.  My heart loves compassionate actions, good works, kindness and understanding.  I love to listen to stories of joyful findings, lessons learned and ideas created.  I am passionate about being an advocate for people who desire to do better and be better.  I truly believe we all have untapped, grand potential.  My desire is to help as many human beings as I can find that potential.  You CAN love who you are and what you do.  I promise.

Understand, perfection is not welcome here.  I can't expect you to be perfect when I am certainly not perfect.  Sometimes beauty shows up in the imperfections.  That's what we're looking for.  I am your advocate!  Let's start where you are and with what you have...let's do this!

Peace out,

Monday, February 4, 2019

Hello and Welcome

Hello friends!  Welcome to the Spirit and Element blog!

This is a happy little blog with tips on health, well-being and self-compassion.

Yoga is definitely a thing here at Spirit and Element.

Enjoying the comfort of home is definitely a thing here at Spirit and Element.

Self-compassion and well-being are definitely the driving passion in the creation of Spirit and Element.

Live in acceptance of who you are.
Laugh at the happy moments of your fascinating life.
Love yourself and the gift of being alive.

Yes!  It can be done!

Please join the positive goodness by subscribing!


Lisa :]

most recently

Healing and Therapy

I am not a therapist. I am a healer through holistic and intuitive paths.  Healing through the 5 senses, and 5 earth elements, is something...